Michael is the founder of Sanrel, LLC and a materials science specialist involved with projects ranging from metamaterials research to experiments with thin-film graphene derivatives, as well as experiments with 2nd Law violators on conjunction with Dr. Daniel Sheehan. After previous work at Voxel8 and Solvus Global, seeing them grow from small businesses to large companies, I decided to try my hand at starting my own business In 2020 at the start of the pandemic. I founded this company to help engineers develop the materials they need to meet their goals. I had a vision to develop processes to generate clean energy sources to better the world, and with extensive knowledge in mathematics, physics, computer science and engineering, I and my team are working to do just that. From 3D metal printers to silver ink to nanoparticle synthesis to bipolar membrane energy harvesting, in the last couple years I’ve proudly witnessed my vision start to become a reality.