APEC 4/17: The Catalina UAP Sightings & Gravitational Physics
Conference Details
Michael Boyd discusses UAPs and gravitomagnetism, Franc Milburn talks about the Catalina UAP sightings, and Todd Desiato presents on the derivation of gravity from the uncertainty principle. We’ll also hear updates from the Falcon Space team, and we’ll be finishing off the event with an open discussion and ad hoc presentations by conference attendees!
Part #1- Michael Boyd – UAPs & Gravitomagnetism
Michael Boyd presents “Tic Tac TOE”, which provides an in-depth review of his own experiments in gravitomagnetism, which includes his work “mass spin valve” devices to demonstrate the postulates he has derived. He will also be presenting a detailed hypothesis on space-time metric engineering for propulsion as demonstrated by the Tic Tac UAPs, and will be using a detailed collection of IR photographs & sensor analysis from the US Navy UAP sightings to support this model.
Part #2 – Michael Boyd – UAPs & Gravitomagnetism – Q&A Session
Michael Boyd answers questions relating to the physical model & experimental predictions he presented in “Tic Tac TOE”.
Part #3 – Franc Milburn – The Catalina UAP Sightings
Franc Milburn provides a detailed summary & analysis of the July 2019 US Navy UAP sightings of “mystery drones” hovering over warships near Catalina Island. Franc is the author of “The Pentagon’s UAP Task Force”, and “American Development of UAP Technology: A Fait Accompli?”, which provide a threat analysis of the UAP phenomenon. He is also a member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU), a think-tank of scientists, former military and law enforcement officials and other professionals who seek evidence-based answers to UAP phenomenon.
Part #4 – Franc Milburn – The Catalina UAP Sightings – Q&A Session
Franc Milburn answers questions relating to his summary and analysis of the July 2019 US Navy UAP sightings of “mystery drones” hovering over warships near Catalina Island.
Part #5 – Todd Desiato – Derivation of Gravity from the Uncertainty Principle
Todd Desiato presents a physical model that attempts to derive gravitation from the uncertainty principle. He will demonstrate that the transformation of observable quantities due to the space-time metric is reproducible in the Standard Model of particle physics, and derivable from the constraints of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. He will also discuss the Schwarzschild solution of GR & PV, the equivalence to the Radiative Damping Model of gravity, and discuss how this work opens the door for gravity modification and warp-drive propulsion technologies.
Part #6 – Todd Desiato – Derivation of Gravity from the Uncertainty Principle – Q&A Session
Todd Desiato answers questions relating to his presentation of a physical model that attempts to derive gravitation from the uncertainty principle.
Part #7 – Mark Sokol – Falcon Space Lab Updates
Mark Sokol and the Falcon Space team will present updates on their experimental research in the lab, with a focus on recent 3D printing techniques that Mark is using to fabricate components for an Alzofon NMR gravity modification microwave waveguide.
Part #8 – Open Discussion & Ad Hoc Presentations
Jeremiah Popp demonstrates vacuum-tube experiments, Wayne Ojala demonstrates ion-wind experiments, former NASA engineer Glen “Tony” Robertson discusses some of the fabrication techniques involved with the NASA Podkletnov superconductor replication, and Michael Boyd discusses magnetic anomalies in the Mars planetary magnetic field which may be the result of a large asteroid impact in the distant past.
Links & Resources
• Michael Boyd: LinkedIn
• Franc Milburn: The Pentagon’s UAP Task Force | Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies
• Todd Desiato: Gravity From Uncertainty (PDF)
• Falcon Space Facebook | YouTube
• Jeremy Rys: Alien Scientist Website
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