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APEC 3/16: Horizon Drive, Graviflyer & Gravitational Coupling
Conference Details
Mike McCulloch will discuss Tests of a Quantum Horizon Drive, Nathan Inan discusses a classical coupling of gravitation & electromagnetism, Curtis Horn discusses the electromagnetic aspects of quaternion theory, and Mike Gamble will discuss his Graviflyer replication. We’ll also be hearing updates from our lab partners and finishing off the event with an open discussion by conference attendees!
12:00pm PT – Mike McCulloch – Tests of a Quantum (Horizon) Drive
Mike will discuss the theory of Quantised Inertia (QI), which explains inertial mass for the first time, eliminates the need for dark matter in galaxies, and predicted that metal structures can produce propellantless (quantum) thrust from the vacuum. Becker & Bhatt (2018) tested this successfully using capacitors and we are re-testing (DARPA funded) in an academic environment at Plymouth University. Thrusts of up to 25 mg (0.25mN), close to those predicted by quantised inertia, are being seen in our lab at Plymouth. They reverse when the capacitor is turned over. They only occur for capacitors hotter than 50oC and within 5-10% of the dielectric breakdown point, as expected. The results vary in line with the QI theory and buoyancy or EM artefacts have been excluded, but we only get thrust in typically 50% of cases.
1:00pm PT – Nathan Inan – Classical Coupling of Electromagnetism & Gravity
Linearized General Relativity leads to formulations known as gravito- electromagnetism (GEM) due to mathematical resemblance with electromagnetism. A common approach is the use of harmonic coordinates, however this has the misleading feature of implying gravitational waves can be vector fields (similar to electromagnetism) rather than tensor fields. Alternatively, transverse-traceless coordinates properly isolate the gravitational wave tensor fields, but the coordinates can only be applied outside matter sources. A more favorable approach is presented here which starts by formulating new coordinate-invariant field definitions. This leads to new GEM field equations that are applicable inside matter sources. Gravitational waves are described by Faraday-like and Ampere-like relationships involving electric-like and magnetic-like tensor fields. The formulation is applied to the concept of gravitational conductors to derive gravitational dispersion relations, plasma frequencies, indices of refraction, penetration depths, impedances, and reflection/transmission coefficients. The result is a complete framework for describing the response of various materials to gravitational waves. Future use of this formalism could be used for communication via gravitational waves, and possibly even laser-like amplification of gravitational radiation as well as aerospace propulsion.
2:00pm PT – Curtis Horn – EM-Aspects of Quaternion Formulation for GR & Mach Effects
Curtis will provide additional insights into the electromagnetic aspects of a field theory developed by Mendel Sachs, based on solid physics principles and sound physical logic. Unfortunately, the theory that results is highly non-linear and uses a mathematical framework that is outside of the standard physics curriculum since it is a spinor/quaternion formulation that combines Gravity and Electromagnetism. If Sachs theory is correct, there are profound consequences for the origin of inertial mass. We will also discuss propellent-less propulsion, including the potential of using the Breit–Wheeler process. Also, we will give an update on the Mach Effect experiment.
3:00pm PT – Mike Gamble – Graviflyer Replication
Is Alexey Cherkurkov’s Graviflyer a working field-effect propulsion drive, or just an elaborate hoax? Right now, a team of researchers are working with him on replication efforts, and in this presentation, Mike Gamble will be discussing his research efforts as well as providing details on testing with a Graviflyer device constructed by Alexey that Mike is currently investigating. Cherkurkov has demonstrated many successful Graviflyer tests in both a series of public YouTube videos as well as in private zoom calls, and Mike is one of several experimenters excited about the possiblity of first replicating, and then understanding, the science behind the claims.
4:00pm PT – Lab Partners – Experimental Research Updates
Learn about hands-on engineering & technical research on advanced propulsion experiments by our lab partners. Mark Sokol & the Falcon Space team will describe recent work on NMR / EPR gravity-modification experiments, Jarod Yates & Charles Crawford will provide updates on the Graviflyer, Bryan St. Clair will discuss research being done into new inertial propulsion experiments, and other labs are anticipated to share updates as well during this time.
4:30pm PT – Daniel Davis – Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
QM is commonly used to describe a variety of well-known physical effects, but the interpretative model of QM isn’t always expressly described, which can lead to confusion. In this video, Daniel Davis discusses some of the various interpretations of QM.
5:00pm PT – Open Discussion & Ad-Hoc Presentations
Conference guests interested in presenting experimental info to the group are invited to participate at this time, and our presenters will be available to take questions & discuss experiments.
Links & Resources
• Cover Art: “Leviathan” by Vadim Sadovski
• Kurt Zeller: SpaceTime Engineering
• Curtis Horn: Sachs-Dirac Matter Field Equations
• Alex Wolf III: Metamaterials R&D
• Christopher Maylor: Quantum-Based Warp Core
• Shiva Meucci: Quantum & Relativistic Physics
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