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APEC 2/17: Zero-Point Energy, Inertial Propulsion & Dark Matter
Conference Details
Mike Waters will discuss ZPE Breakthrough Implications, Christopher Provatidis will present a Review of Inertial Propulsion Devices, Andrew Beckwith will discuss Dark Matter / Axion Rockets & Neutrinos, Justin Pearson will discuss a proposed SpacePort in Aruba, and John Brandenburg will describe the Collateral Effects of the Martian Thermonuclear Holocaust. We’ll also be hearing updates from our lab partners and finishing off the event with an open discussion by conference attendees!
12:00pm PT – Mike Waters – ZPE Breakthrough Implications
Mike has worked in advanced energy research for over 22 years. He will discuss several ZPE systems currently in development and the potential synergy with propulsion breakthroughs such the QEM VEM drive and EM drive. Mike has developed a technology backed physics model based on system definitions that correct current universal LoT assumptions. These definitions have enabled teaching classically trained physicists and engineers in minutes. Mike’s ZPE discoveries appear to synergize with theories proposed by John Brandenburg, Mike McCullouch, Paul LaViolette and others.
1:00pm PT – Christopher Provatidis – Inertial Propulsion Devices: A Review
The use of the Google Scholar produces about 278 hits on the term ‘‘inertial propulsion.’’ If patents are also included, the number of hits increases to 536. This paper discusses, in a critical way, some characteristic aspects of this controversial topic. The review starts with the halteres of athletes in the Olympic games of ancient times and then continues with some typical devices which were developed or/and patented from the second fourth of the twentieth century till today. In this presentation, Christopher will deliver a review of many human attempts to create thrust by consuming energy but without expelling material from a vehicle, merely by rotating masses.
2:00pm PT – Andrew Beckwith – Dark Matter / Axion Rockets & Neutrinos
We present Dark Matter candidates from non SUSY processes, in a way emphasizing how a Dark Matter (DM) candidate of roughly 100 – 400 GeV could be formed. As has been said about the Photon rocket and Axions rockets, the presence of a mag- netic field supposedly would switch DM particle candidates to photons, in such a way as to in the end configure a photon rocket style device from DM in a thrust chamber. The presence of Dark Matter (DM) would in itself merely indicate that the emerging photon thrust would be comparatively greater than it would be for more conventional photon rockets. This amplifies and improves upon a so called axion rocket ram jet for interstellar travel. We assume that much the same sort of metho- dology for a would-be axion ramjet could be employed for DM, with perhaps greater thrust/power conversion efficiencies.
3:00pm PT – Justin Pearson – The Spaceport in Aruba
Justin Pearson founded Baldwin Aerospace in 2017, which is a research and development business specializing in hypersonic technologies emphasizing scramjet propulsion & hypersonic bodies. Justin works with a diverse and mid-sized team of aerospace engineers, and will be discussing his recent trip to Aruba and efforts to create a SpacePort in the ABC Islands to take advantage of lower equatorial launch costs for traditional rockets & facilitate economic development favorable to emerging aerospace technologies in the area.
4:00pm PT – John Brandenburg – Collateral Effects of the Martian Thermonuclear Holocaust
Dr. John Brandenburg will present an update to his hypothesis about an ancient thermonuclear holocaust on Mars – in particular, discussing the potential for neutron bombs to generate an “atmospheric chain reaction” described in the movie Oppenheimer. Brandenburg bases his research on the existence of rare isotopes in Martian soil typically only produced by thermonuclear devices, and speculates that Mars current unhabitable state is the result of ancient explosions.
5:00pm PT – Lab Partners – Experimental Research Updates
Learn about hands-on engineering & technical research on advanced propulsion experiments by our lab partners. Mark Sokol & the Falcon Space team will describe recent work on NMR / EPR gravity-modification experiments, Jarod Yates & Charles Crawford will provide updates on the Graviflyer, Bryan St. Clair will discuss research being done into new inertial propulsion experiments, and other labs are anticipated to share updates as well during this time.
6:00pm PT – Open Discussion & Ad-Hoc Presentations
Conference guests interested in presenting experimental info to the group are invited to participate at this time, and our presenters will be available to take questions & discuss experiments.
Links & Resources
• Cover Art: “Apollo Missions” by Bob Ranew
• Mike Waters: ZPE Breakthrough Implications
• Christopher Provatidis: Inertial Propulsion Devices: A Review
• Andrew Beckwith: Dark Matter / Axion Rockets & Neutrinos
• Justin Pearson: Spaceport in Aruba
• John Brandenburg: Thermonuclear Holocaust on Mars
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