APEC 10/23: The Vimana, Navy UAP Encounters & MHD Propulsion
Conference Details
Kavya Vaddadi will discuss reverse-engineering of the ancient Vimana, Karthic Aamanchi will discuss Vedic science, Kevin Day will talk about the Navy UAP encounters and recent UAP expeditions, and Gary Stephenson will be talking about MHD propulsion utilizing superconducting nanowires. We will also hear updates from Falcon Space & associates, and we’ll be finishing off the event with an open discussion and ad hoc presentations by conference attendees!
Part 1 – Kavya Vaddadi – Vimana Reverse-Engineering
Kavya Vaddadi will be joining us to discuss her work on reverse-engineering of the ancient Vimanas, which are described as “mythological flying palaces or chariots described in Hindu texts and Sanskrit epics”. Her work has been featured on the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens program with Dr. Travis Taylor & Giorgio Tsoukalos, and won the Best Team award in the Aeronautical Society of India’s “National Aerolympics Competition”.
Vaddadi is an aerospace engineer from Delhi, India, who has been working to reverse engineer the Marutsakha Vimana, and produced models, computer simulations, and engineering proofs based on ancient vedic texts. A 3D printed model of her design has undergone successful wind tunnel testing at the University of California, Irvine, which proved its aerodynamic viability. Her work on recreating the vimana included retranslations of Vimanashasthra chapters, the interpretation of Sanskrit shlokas into technical schematics, 2D drawings and 3D modeling/assembly, computational fluid dynamics flow analysis, static structural analysis, and heat-transfer thermal analysis of vimanas.
Part 2 – Kavya Vaddadi – Vimana Reverse-Engineering – Q&A Session
Kavya Vaddadi answers questions related to her presentation.
Part 3 – Karthic Aamanchi – Vedic Scientific Research
Karthic Aamanchi joins us to discuss his work translating ancient Vedic texts from Sanskit to modern language, and how his team is interpreting those texts from ancient wisdom into modern scientific terms & concepts. He discusses materials production for aerospace engineering, with a special focus on the role of mercury in Vedic technology, as well as its reported use in the flying Vimana craft and the discovery of mercury refining pools underneath ancient temples. Aamanchi has a Masters Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Hindustan University, and works with a team of PhD & MA level scientists at SRIVT, which is the first Vedic research institute to be recognized as Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.
Part 4 – Karthic Aamanchi – Vedic Scientific Research – Q&A Session
Kavya Vaddadi answers questions related to her presentation.
Part 5 – Kevin Day – Navy UAP Encounters & UAP Expeditions
Kevin Day joins us to discuss his “Tic Tac” UAP experience aboard the USS Princeton in 2004, along with his current field research as the founder of UAP eXpeditions. Kevin is a retired United States Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer. A former Operations Specialist and TOPGUN Air Intercept Controller with more than 20 years’ experience in Strike Group air defense including war-time operations. An expert operator of the highly advanced SPY-1 radar system with years of service onboard AEGIS equipped ships including the VINCENNES, CHOSIN, and PRINCETON. Kevin has logged hundreds of air-to-air intercepts of suspect aircraft in both training and war-time operations.
In November 2004, during combat training exercises, it was Princeton’s Combat Information Center that discovered the fleets of anomalous air contacts, and it was radar operator, Kevin Day, that directly instructed the pilots to change their course and investigate the unidentified radar spot observed by Princeton’s own radar. The infrared footage of the encounter, aka “Tic-Tac incident,” was released to the public in December 2017. On 17 September 2019, the U.S. Navy acknowledged that the three UFO videos are of real unidentified phenomena. The Navy has since reportedly updated their protocols for pilots to report UAP sightings in an effort to reduce the stigma associated with such reports.
Kevin Day is the founder of UAP eXpeditions, a non-profit group of former military officials, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, university professors, and scientists, that will “field a top-notch group of uber-experienced professionals providing the public service of field testing new UAP related technologies.” With some of the Silicon Valley UFO Hunters, UAP eXpeditions will pioneer the ability to predict, find, observe, and document UAP for study and analysis.
Part 6 – Kevin Day – Navy UAP Encounters & UAP Expeditions – Q&A Session
Kevin Day answers questions related to his presentation.
Part 7 – Gary Stephenson – MHD in Aerospace
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) has been hypothesized as a form of aerospace propulsion for the last 50 years, but only now is it being enabled by the emerging technology of superconducting nanowires. In this paper a business case is made for using MHD tech for the eventual electrification of all aircraft, including high speed jet aircraft, over the next 22 years. An additional argument is made for the eventual electrification of all Earth launched space vehicles over the next 12 years after that.”
Part 8 – Gary Stephenson – MHD in Aerospace – Q&A Session
Gary Stephenson answers questions related to his presentation.
Part 9 – Mark Sokol & Associates – Experimental Lab Updates
Mark Sokol and associates will present updates on their experimental research in the lab.
Part 10 – Open Discussion
Conference guests interested in presenting experimental info to the group are invited to participate at this time, and our presenters will be available to take questions & discuss experiments.
Links & Resources
• Kavya Vaddadi: Maarks Aerospace Swastik-Team Vedic Research Inst.
• Kevin Day: UAP Expeditions Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies
• Gary Stephenson: Researchgate Profile MHD Applications Update
• Falcon Space Facebook | YouTube
• Jeremy Rys: Alien Scientist Website
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